So something about us:

 we are two still young "people" 28 and 30 years old. We lived few years in Jersey (Channel islands), then we wisited Ireland, Scotland, England and nort-coast of France. We always wished to travell across the world. So finally we travelled to Asia, where we spent 4 beautifull months. We love Asia, anyway all the world is so nice. We only hope that it wasn't our last trip.

                                            Take it easy everybody and be HAPPY;)




Takže niečo krátke o nás:

sme dvaja , pomerne ešte mladí "ľudia" vo veku 28 a 30 rokov. Vždy sme túžili cestovať krížom krážom po svete, čo sa nám nakoniec podarilo. Vybrali sme sa na cestu po Ázii, kde sme strávili 4 nádherné mesiace. Len dúfame , že to nebola naša posledná cesta. Zamilovali sme sa do Ázie až po uši.


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